Monday 4 June 2012

Art Attack!

What's up guys? Laura here. Both myself and Jessie really enjoy art. One of us is amazing, the other... not so good. Let's just say, Jessie is doing art for GCSE. (GCSE is the thing you do in year 10 & 11, sometimes in year 9). So she's the amazing one. I just do it for a hobby. 1) Beause I'm not doing GCSE's yet. And. 2) I suck. I thought I'd share some of our art with you, and if you're feeling kind, check out Jessie's Facebook page: Share Your Art :)
The first five are Jessies. 1- A portrait of me. 2-5. I dont really know. Jessie will probably explain.

 The last five are mine. 1- A Beowulf comic I drew in my spare time. 2- A collage I made. 3- A scratchy thing that you remove the top to reveal the foil. Its of orcas. 4- A drawing of Devizes Crammer. 5- An abstract self-portrait.

~DFTBA, Laura.


  1. I love your last pop-art pic - you are doing Art GCSE though right?

  2. I dont know. I might. But I'm not THAT good, you're amazing, I'm ok. But I'm not sure...
